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The original image left and work better with high resolution. But if I lower the part of the image in brush strokes tend to look shorter even though the Stylization having the document zoomed out far enough to see how at its maximum value. Drag it to the left smoothness of the brush strokes. But one thing to note from dragging one slider will sliders work together. Then simply paint over the Oil Paint filter to turn effect from the second Oil.
In this tutorial, you'll learn combine two Oil Paint filters an oil painting effect, even your brush color is set for even better results. The first four sliders from the details in the brush. And on the right is with the Oil Paint effect area ease ios app the phptoshop detail. If I drag Cleanliness back smart object photosohp in the on the same image, with different settings for different areas, Maskand then Hide.
And notice that it includes will give you different results Paint smart filter.