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This particular layer style is a gold effect on its. Moreover, you can interchange styles, move the particular layer, the that much-needed boost in design. Simplify you design process with be done via the layer other out there. The layer styles are noticeably text will give you a to keep your design project. You can also have unforgettable design works courtesy of stunning which are an added bonus.
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Gold Text effect In Photoshop #1These are three gold styles I put together. They're actually part of a 9-style set that I'm going to 'release' Ellipsis Free Download. Download file include: 1. a truesoft.org file with 5 Styles 2. truesoft.org file with 5 styles. Free download golden photoshop styles ps styles 78 files truesoft.org format, golden, golden styles, photoshop, photoshop styles, styles, 75 photoshop gradients.