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Forced perspective could have been really special, some of the best I have seen. In terms of theme and meant to pop open got references that I appreciated but contents inside being wedged in, it felt like more of a King Kong themed room only. Welcome to the godzila world lots of fun.
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Dinosaurs Jurassic world dominion: Mosasaurus, kingkong, kinggidorah, rodan, sirenhead, godzillaPrepare to embark on an immersive adventure where you dive deep into Hollow Earth. Get ready to unravel mysteries, solve puzzles, and. 60out today announced the world's first Godzilla vs. Kong escape room is available for pre-bookings and officially opening on May Work as a team to solve logical puzzles, uncover clues, and follow the storyline to unravel the mystery. Each riddle brings you one step closer.